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Albert Hall, Nottingham

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Venue Information:

Main Entrance is Located on North Circus Street (One Way), Opposite St Barnabas Cathedral and Adjacent to Nottingham Playhouse. Access is gained via Large dark wooden double doors labeled Entrance 1 or 2 above the door. A Large wide stone and Marble Staircase of 13 steps leads down to the Ground floor Reception Area.

Accessibility information:

Disability information: Accessible Entrance is located directly off the Maid Marion Way round about adjacent to the Central Police Station. Access is gained via a small ramp leading to a level entrance labelled Entrance 4 above the Door. An intercom is positioned on the white pillar, next to the entrance door, where access can be requested. A lift is available to the Great Hall. For more information please contact access@alttickets.com.


Venue Address:

Albert Hall
Albert Hall Conference Centre
North Circus Street

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